The Bubbles of Happiness

children's games, is a work done on leaves (Calathea Lutea) is a plant that grows in the American tropics which underwent a drying process to stick it to the canvas and give it that different and natural texture. Children's games is a free and fun activity but very useful for children, the name of the game may change depending on the part of the world in which the activity takes place, and it may even have some variations or different rules but it remains the same The fact that these traditions are followed depends on the new generations knowing it, for this reason I decided to make a theme related to children's games and see the expressions, feelings, joys in the public and make them transport each person to the past and remember for a moment these moments of happiness

The game of making bubbles with water and soap, it was one of the most fun things and it was that as a child one wanted to make the biggest one and the other friends made them explode in the air

who didn't play it?


A Hummingbird's sunset, composed on canvas with guava seeds and acrylic 48x24 in


Children's games No. 20 composed on a canvas with guava seeds and acrylic 24x16 in